Tuesday 9 February 2016


Muskets are one of my favourite things about the UK's underground punk-cum-emo-cum-grunge scene thing right now (there are many, many things that I like about it, but Muskets are right up there), but last night I received the news that sends dread not only into the band's hearts, but also into the hearts of those who only want the best for them.

The boys had their van broken into in Brighton yesterday, and an extensive amount of their gear (check out the Facebook post below for the full list) has subsequently been stolen. This is bad enough news for a band with endorsements up the wazoo, but for a band who have played shows relentlessly and worked hard for their keep? This really fucking sucks.

Hey mates, there's no easy way for us to put this - We found out tonight that our van was broken into and a whole load...
Posted by Muskets on Monday, 8 February 2016

We could get into a whole other conversation about how it could've been prevented, yadda yadda yadda, but what's important right now is that it has happened, and if we want bands like Muskets to prosper, then we need to step up.

If you have a few spare quid, there are many ways you can help Muskets recover from this incident. The band have put a new t-shirt up for pre-order on their merch site, where you can also find loads of other cool merch. On top of that, the lads in Scared Of Everything have set up a GoFundMe page for donations, where people have already been smashing targets.

I love this scene for the fact that it doesn't take a tragedy to unite bands, friends and fans like this, but right now, Muskets need all the support you can give. Even if you don't have any money to donate, just send them your best wishes. I know that will cheer them up, just to know that people are there in spirit.

Sending all my love to my Muskbros right now.


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